❤️ Alcove Care Tech Case Studies: Michael’s Story Norfolk County Council ❤️
in Case Study sectionMichael lives in Norfolk. He currently lives alone and has dementia, experiencing memory issues frequently. He is able to live independently, but due to his dementia he requires prompts for taking medication, dressing, eating, drinking and washing daily. Michael was then introduced to the Alcove Video Carephone and the Alcove (motion, heat, light, fridge and front door) Sensor Kit.
Michael has a consistent support network of family around him, but they are unable to be present with him at all times, and thus Alcove’s Virtual Care team ensures to call him 3 times daily to prompt his medication, eating, drinking, and washing.
Michael commented saying that he uses the virtual care calls to remind him to take his medication, and it helps him.
“Before these calls I would often forget to take my medication and on some days I would even sometimes not take it at all.”
“All of the ladies are all lovely and I always say that they are always on time with the calls”
Moreover, he enjoys the conversations with the Alcove team and mentioned that the regular callers are all lovely.
Michael’s daughter has since commented that she is happy with the virtual care calls and that the calls have worked out a lot better than she thought they would. "The frequent virtual care calls provided to Michael have exceeded my expectations"
The effect of Alcove's Virtual Care has dramatically improved Michaels isolation fears, while providing him with daily prompts to take his medication and wash daily, helping him live a normal life. Which has eased various impacts of dementia.