Covid 19 Response
Stay Connected Service
The Alcove Video Carephone
“This has been amazing for my elderly in-laws, they are still baffled by the magic, but they love having visual contact with family members. Anyone considering This should just do it, once accepted it was all set upIn a few days, and has improved my in-laws mental health”
Elaine Porter - Facebook
For Local Authorities:
Care Visits replaced with Video Visits
For those self isolating, we must safeguard against replacing one problem (infection) with another (loneliness). Unable to pop to the shops or visit friends as much as they used to, they spend more time alone and social circles begin to shrink.
Studies have found that a growing number of older people find that days can pass by without speaking to anyone – and loneliness has shown to have a significant impact on health and wellbeing.
Whilst the rest of us all use Zoom and Skype, for our loved ones whom are unable to access smart devices, a video chat with a friendly face on the super simple Alcove Video Carephone makes a huge difference. In fact, recent research has suggested that a single call to an older patient can almost halve the odds of hospital readmission. Our device connects carers, families, neighbours, health and communities - all with one touch of a face.
Alcove have been working with multiple Local Authorities and the NHS to roll out over 6,000 Video Carephones during Covid. Want to know more? Please request more details by filling in the form below.
Alcove Enabled Response
Challenge: Reduced care workforce (up to 30%)
Alcove Enabled Response: Increased productivity through remote check-in, reducing travel time and unnecessary visits
Challenge: Risk of cross contamination from hands on care delivery
Alcove Enabled Response: Remote care delivery limits hands on care to essential tasks
Challenge: Risk of harm if people left without care or supervision
Alcove Enabled Response: Remote check-in and more productive workforce reduces this risk
Challenge: Risk of depression from self isolation
Alcove Enabled Response: Care phone maintains contact with friends, family, and services – access to silver line
Challenge: Unable to get food, supplies and medicine
Alcove Enabled Response: Concierge service or local contacts can respond to needs and arrange deliveries
Challenge: Reduced earnings for care staff through reduced hours
Alcove Enabled Response: Care workers able to work remotely and maintain income while they are self-isolating
For Private Payers:
Loneliness Video Call Service
Combatting loneliness and social isolation with regular video calls and a real connection. With our Stay Connected Service, your loved one will receive a regular 15-minute phone call at a time that is convenient for them. There is no need for them to stay at home and wait.
Through their video carephone, we’ll connect them with someone to talk to face-to-face who will take the time to listen and keep them company.
They are free to chat about anything they choose, share life’s ups and downs, and even play Alexa-powered games and quizzes! We can also offer advice and recommendations and, if they choose, we will make sure that you are kept fully up-to-date.